When she was finished and we were on our way home, we noticed a small-ish garage sale. Normally I wouldn't stop but there's been a waste container in the driveway for a few days and from the road it looked as if the house was being cleaned out. It was! I got the following for $7.
The canisters are ceramic and are marked "Holiday Designs, USA." This could just be someone's own trademark. I'll do a search for it in a bit. I know the orange lids are atrocious! I'm not sure that I'll even keep them and if I do, I'll figure out how to paint them the right color red for my country french kitchen. Does anyone know what paint to use? The glass jar is marked on the bottom "Made in Italy Crownford China Co 1966." It's in perfect shape! The letters also had an N, obviously to be used for some directional thing. Someday I'll have a sewing room to call my own and when I do, the ones spelling SEW will go on the wall! Here's another picture of the cannisters without the horrible lids.
I really do have two cats but little Henry-girl is more skittish than her sister and it's harder to snap a photo of her. I've still got this pack & play up in my room for my nephew's return visit on Friday. Mudgie says "I is a baby Momma, I is!"
Hi Leslie,
Love the skirt...I love...love...love thrift stores!
The canisters are awesome and what a fantastic deal!! Can't wait to hear what you find out about the marking, sorry but I haven't a clue about the paint.
SCORE!!! I haven't been thriftin' since you were here last! Man...I MISS it! This is good for me though, teaching me self discipline which I sorely lack! Cute skirt too Mrs. Love! I'm not sure what you can paint ceramic that has been fired with, but there is a gal in our Bible study that is a potter, so I will surely ask her next week! Thanks for sharing your great "finds"!
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