My older brother is 9 years my senior and I adored him as I was growing up. My favorite memory is still when he would sit me in the huge newspaper basket on the front of his bicycle and ride me around the small town where we grew up. Most times he would stop and take me into the drug store so that I could choose a few pieces of penny candy. He left for college when I was a 4th grader and got married and moved away when I was in 8th grade. His first son was born when I was a high school Sophomore and his second son followed my Senior year. After I graduated and moved away in the opposite direction, I was able to see those boys a few times each year and we began vacationing together every summer when they were middle school age. I have always loved those boys and during those vacations I developed a respect for them too. I watched them get married to wonderful girls and have sons of their own and I've been blessed to hold those babies too!
Here's a picture of me with nephew #1 in 1981

and with his son, my grandnephew #1 in 2005

Here I am with nephew #2 in 1982

and with his son, my grandnephew #2 earlier this week

If you're reading this guys, I love you!
Auntie Leslie
What a pretty sidebar you have! Oh, the memories. I so recall penny candy! Where did it go? You have beautiful memories of your brother and his children. I hope they know how lucky they are to have you.
What a great tribute to GREAT-nephews! I adore your old photos! We should bring our old photo books to our "weekend retreat" next time! What a HOOT!
There is no substitute for is the best!
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