Here's the quilt I'm working on. It's not coming together as quickly as I'd like....having to run Miss B here & there twice a day on top of overseeing Charlie along with keeping up with the house doesn't leave me much quilting time. Plus I've done two other projects and have a dress in the works.
This is the fabric for Miss B's dress. I wish I'd seen it first because I love it too!
I ordered four swim components off the clearance page ($35.00 total) at Land's and received free shipping. I had to mix & match tops & bottoms but I think they look alright for backyard swimming. I love the "swim mini" bottoms. I don't feel exposed if I walk around to the front of the house or out to the mailbox.
Miss B needs 3 costumes for her summer theatre class so we scouted our 3 local Goodw.ill stores on Saturday. We may have found the dress she needs for the prom scene; she took it to class with her this afternoon see if it gets approval. I found these sweet little silver pieces and they look great nestled in among the silver candlesticks on my table.
We noticed on Saturday that Charlie continues to get taller. Miss B thought it would be fun to be the Veri.zon bars. Hence this picture.
This bag is probably my best sewing accomplishment this year. Miss B couldn't find an E.lmo backpack for her baby brother's 1st birthday and so we set out to make one from scratch. She purchased the canvas fabric and the zipper and we downloaded the photo from a free internet site and printed it onto heat transfer paper. Miss B added baby bro's name and then I found the red webbing for the back straps. We even sewed pieces of plastic canvas into the large sides & bottom to give it stability. And the whole thing can be thrown in the wash machine!
What a VERY SPECIAL Elmo Bag for the baby!!! He'll cherish that and drag it around for YEARS, I'm sure!
Love your Veri.zon bars..yes, I love them!
And pop into my blog when you get a minute and check out my aunts quilt! She has been making these for years and years and this one is spectacular! I just can't imagine how much time it took, except I see camera dating on the snaps...and that gives me a clue!
Miss you boogaloo!
I'm loving Miss B already! Gifts made by those we love are always the best! I treasure each one that I have!
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