Thursday, November 20, 2008

Thankful Thursday

This morning I connected with someone with whom I was friends 25 years ago. I was not the person spiritually & emotionally that I am today and it was one of my times of insanity.
As I looked over her information and pictures earlier today, thoughts filled my mind of "what a great boat....I wonder what her home looks like...her spouse.....she's been on television, wow!...her life sure looks exciting...."
A little bit later I sat down in my kitchen to have my quiet time and I was immediately struck with guilt for envying her and had to confess that to my Lord. I'm using Elizabeth George's study of Luke and today was chapter 12. Verses 22-34 really spoke to my heart and I felt as though God had prepared this lesson especially for me on this day. Where my treasure is, there will my heart be also. I know Jesus is my treasure; He is really what I want. How blessed I am to have Him as my provider!
"I'd rather have Jesus than silver or gold. I'd rather have Him than have riches untold. I'd rather have Jesus than houses or land. I'd rather be led by His nail-scarred hand. Than to be the king of a vast domain! Or be held in sin's dread sway. I'd rather have Jesus than anything this world provides today."
Grace & Peace,

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