Friday, January 1, 2010

A New Year

Happy 2010!

Or 2k10 as the National PGA Tour is calling it in their commercials.

The remnant of Christmas 2009 still resides in my kitchen and living room in the form of a tree and various other decorations. I hope to have them all put away before I go to bed Sunday evening.

Do you make resolutions at the beginning of each year? I usually don't. I may determine to try to do this or that but I never firmly resolve.

Prior to the holidays, I was pretty good about getting my devotions done each morning; this year I'm going to try to follow a 1-year Bible reading plan. I started yesterday just to get a jump on it and I'm keeping notes as I go. I also need to get back to healthier food choices as the cookies and candies and sodas are showing again on my hips and-since I'm getting older-on my tummy too.
And I need to return to planning and implementing at least a week's worth of meals at a time. There are just too many nights that we're not sitting down for dinner until 7:00 pm and I don't like that.

And now for something totally different: the dishwasher repair man is scheduled for Wednesday morning.

Grace & Peace,